Our School » About Us

About Us

We at St. Michael School firmly believe that all of our children can be inspired and successful, reaching their full potential through I life of Faith and service to others. 
St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
Located at 296 Church Street in Belleville, ON.
At St. Michael Catholic School, we are a welcoming and inclusive community of learners. St. Michael is a dual track school offering French Immersion and English classrooms from K-8.
Fifty percent of our day is offered in a French Immersion setting. Core subjects of Language, Mathematics and Religion are offered in English.
We were retrofitted in 2011 preserving our beautiful historic building from the outside and modernizing the inside. At St. Michael we are student centred and work to meet the needs of all learners and enable students to reach their God given potential.
St. Michael Catholic School provides a rich and engaging Full-Day Early Learning Kindergarten Program in both English and French Immersion. Our program is focused on the exploration of play and inquiry in a faith-based classroom environment. The program is planned around the following frames in the Early Learning Kindergarten Program document: Belonging and Contributing, Self-Regulation and Well-Being, Demonstrating Literacy and Mathematics Behaviours, and Problem Solving and Innovation.